Did it: Bulbs in Glasses

I fell in love with some bulbs I saw in glasses with marbles at the bottom (previous blog post!)

and I just could not help myself, I had to give this bulbs in glass thing a whirl...

I went to  Lowes and got a bag of Tulip Bulbs and gardening rocks (typically used at the bottom of pots for better water drainage.)

When I got back home I sprinkled a few handfulls of the rocks into an 8 x 4 inch glass round bowl and then arranged the bulbs

on top of  the bed of rocks.  Add a sprinkle of water, and you're off!

Check out the other 'arrangement' I made with my mason jars...

Simple, inexpensive, and fun!

We are a BYOW art studio based in Greenville, SC. We offer art instruction - primarily painting lessons - to children and adults.
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