A student recently approached me with a painting she had found; It was a Rothko piece, and she wanted to re-create a version of it for her bedroom. Rothko's work surrealist work really dealt with color and its relationship to one another.
This was the painting example the student brought - by Rothko.
Merritt, the student who brought me the above painting, was inspired by the color, clean lines, and layout of the painting. For a little background on the artist, she is a fabulous drawer who has recently gotten into the painting medium.
She wanted to create a piece for a large bare wall in her bedroom in a similar styled format with colors that would tie into her decor. I ordered a 48 x 48 inch canvas, and we met to paint. See the painting she created with me in an hour in the photos she snapped below. She did an excellent job, don't you think?
If you have a piece you want to create for your home, please let me know. You can set up a lesson (we charge $45.00 an hour) or come to one of our Tuesday Evening Open Paint Nights. Art is fun expressive, and open to all. If you have the desire to create something, you should scratch that itch and go for it…. we have the teachers, the space, and the capabilities at The Studio to help you out with your creative vision!