Kiko Art

If you haven't already heard, the Greenville, SC Zoo just had a newborn masai giraffe named Kiko!


One of our Vino and van Gogh teachers, Jeanne O'Neal, did a painting of Kiko, which is now being sold in the in the Zoo Gift Shop in the for of  posters and gift cards - We are so proud of you Jeanne!


(Jeanne's art in the Greenville Zoo gift shop)


(Jeanne with her two daughters visiting Kiko)


CLICK HERE to see a video of Kiko

CLICK HERE to see the live webcam that monitors Kiko 24/7

Be sure to stop in the gift shop and pick up some of Jeanne's beautiful cards and small posters of this cute new addition to The Greenville Zoo.  She also sells her Kiko works at Paisley & Paper next door to Vino & van Gogh on Augusta Street.


We are a BYOW art studio based in Greenville, SC. We offer art instruction - primarily painting lessons - to children and adults.
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