Art Party Invitation Round Up

At VVG, we host a ton of birthday parties for kids and adults of all ages.  I recently was shopping on Etsy and kept coming across lots of cute Art Party invitations for kids, so I thought it would be a fun, worth-wile blog post to feature on the site.  If you are planning a child's birthday party at VVG in the near future, stay tuned! 

Rainbow Art Party Invite by Sunshine & Pop Designs

How brilliant is this crayon box invite? Invitation idea from Cute as a Fox 

Art Party Invitation by Poppy Pedals

This Paint Brush Invite is clever (I can not find source; if you know it, please leave a comment!) 

Rainbow Art Party Invitation created for Glitter & Gloss

Putting the Art in Party - Invitation by Fancy That Studio 

How cool are these paint trays with invitation insert? (Can not find source; Please leave information if you know who makes these) 

This is a cute and girly art party invite from Zazzle

Arty Party Invite by Sunshine Parties

Paint Can Invite by Trastoleando

I hope that these invitation ideas help you plan your next paint party- the invitation, after all, sets the tone for the fun to come!
If you want some more creative ways to celebrate birthday parties with a sprinkling of artistic flair, check out our Pinterest Boards- Arty Party is the one you should go to for creative ways to celebrate!

Cheers to celebrating creatively 

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